North Somerset Labour Party
Do you want to help to raise the profile of our local Labour Party and get stuck into collective action and campaigns designed to make a difference in our community?
In the midst of a global pandemic and with bleak social and economic forecasts, it’s never been so important to demonstrate that Labour can deliver a better future for all. But how can we do that?
North Somerset CLP’s development plan, agreed by members in February, aims to provide some of the answers by providing a blueprint for activities that will take us forward together, with a clear and ambitious set of objectives to build membership and raise public awareness.
The plan was put together by a small team who began by analysing feedback from members on our performance in the last general election – what went well, what could have been better, and what lessons we could learn for the future.
The programme has been built on core Labour Party values, seeking to ensure that members are at the heart of work to develop policies, make communities stronger through collective action and support, and to boost the party’s share of the vote in elections.
Three key objectives lie at the heart of the plan – with the aim of enhancing the CLP’s presence in the community, building the recruitment, retention and involvement of members, and to keep us ‘election-ready’ at all times.
The plan sets out clear lines of responsibility and accountability, with each objective having a coordinator reporting back to the executive and the CLP, together with targets for progress and delivery.
Produced with the aim of taking the CLP through to the AGM in June 2022, the plan will be formally reviewed at the next AGM in June this year. However, reflecting the uncertain times in which we live, it can be amended to respond to any significant local or national developments.
We hope that plan will provide members with an opportunity to get involved with activities that will increase the profile of our local party, strengthen links and communication with individual members, affiliates, supporters and community groups, encourage political debate and discussion, and ultimately to pave the way for Labour election success.