North Somerset Tory MP Liam Fox has spent 127 days on donor-funded trips abroad since the last General Election. He has declared 30 trips across 14 different countries.

17 different donors have shelled out a total of £145,233 for Dr Fox’s flights and accommodation. Costs have reached up to almost £5,000 per night.

North Somerset deserves better than a part-time Tory MP who spends his time on expensive trips abroad instead of representing his constituents in North Somerset.

    List of Trips

    Destination  Donor Value Date Days
    SCI Kerr £3,431 2/8/21 15
    Paris Alliance for Public Awareness £1,513 1/7/23 1
    Saudi Arabia
    Riyadh Emad El Dukair £900 26/8/21 3
    Halifax Halifax International Securuity Forum £6,534 19/11/21 3
    NY and Washington Conservative Friends of America £5,404 15/11/21 5
    Georgia Heritage Foundation £14,990 5/1/22 4
    Washington, D.C. Conservative Friends of America £6,615 25/7/22 3
    South Carolina The Charleston Meeting £5,997 9/11/22 4
    Washington Elnet UK Ltd £6,276 28/11/22 5
    Washington, D.C. and NY Abraham Accords (UK) £8,525 19/3/23 3
    Washington, D.C. Transatlantic Bond Ltd £13,299 29/1/24 6
    Dubai Abraham Accords (UK) £5,429 3/1/23 5
    Dubai and Abu Dhabi Middle East Forum Ltd £2,741 9/1/22 5
    Dubai Middle East Forum Ltd £3,552 27/1/22 4
    Dubai Abraham Accords (UK) £7,363 28/10/22 3
    Budapest Hungary Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade £2,810 20/1/22 2
    Lodz University of Lodz £100 9/3/22 3
    Bruges Atlantic Society, College of Europe £500 15/3/22 2
    Manama Middle East Forum Ltd £8,835 4/4/22 4
    Abraham Accords (UK) £4,882 12/6/23 2
    Abraham Accords (UK) Ltd £5,424 5/10/23 7
    Manama Government of Bahrain £3,590 16/11/23 6
    The Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco to the UK £2,450 13/5/22 4
    Tangier Amadeus Instutute £2,837 3/11/22 3
    Abraham Accords (UK) £2,477 30/5/23 4
    Tirana Alliance for Public Awareness £1,871 22/7/22 3
    £1,252 30/3/23 3
    Davos UK office of the Victor Pinchuk Foundation £4,553 18/1/23 2
    Amman Abraham Accords (UK) £3,879 19/4/23 5
    Atenil S.A. £7,195 13/8/23 8
    Totals: 145,223 127



    It is eye-opening to compare the days Fox has spent since the last General Election on trips versus the number of spoken contributions he has made in Parliament. Since the Government removed all Covid-19 travel restrictions in March 2022, Fox has made just 66 contributions compared to the 90 days he has spent abroad.

    As shown in the graph below, in the 24 months since COVID travel restrictions were lifted, Fox has spent more days on trips than he has made contributions in Parliament in all but ten months.

    Days Dr Fox spent on foreign trips vs his spoken contributions in Parliament.
    Days Dr Fox spent on foreign trips vs his spoken contributions in Parliament.

    What would Labour do differently?

    Whilst Fox spent 45 days on donor-funded trips abroad in the last year and made just 30 contributions in parliament, Bristol’s four Labour MPs were working hard for their constituents in Westminster:

    • Kerry McCarthy – 173 contributions, 4 days abroad;
    • Karin Smyth – 50 contributions, 0 days abroad;
    • Darren Jones – 41 contributions, 7 days abroad; and
    • Thangam Debbonaire – 58 contributions, 0 days abroad.

    Every single one of the local Labour MPs in Bristol made considerably more contributions than Liam Fox, and spent considerably fewer days on trips abroad..

    We believe North Somerset deserves a Labour MP who will spend their time working hard for their constituents at home and in Westminster, not a part-time Tory who spends more time on expensive donor-funded trips abroad.

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